Your intelligent ML news feed

We help you staying up-to-date with the latest ML news, relevant publications in academia, and ML-frameworks updates, in a personalized feed. Without the noise of everything else.

Discovery Engine

Stay up-to-date with the latest ML news in a personalized feed.

Productivity Tool

Reduce cognitive load without the worry of missing out.

Automated Flow

Schedule delivery of information straight to your inbox.

ML teams operate on the edge of innovation, facing a constant stream of potentially useful information. We provide personalized assistance by curating and pre-processing news for your area of interest. We are starting with a personalized news feed while working on a framework for a streamlined research discovery workflow.

Our Vision

Neural Search

We embed the knowledge of your ML domain and make it accessible and actionable.

Memory Model

We follow your progress so we can build a semantic memory for your research.

Team Collaboration

Share findings with your team and work with partners and the community.

Paul Weber & Sebastián Castaño
Made in Berlin, 2022

Built with Bootstrap 5.2.2 (MIT license). Images generated with Dall-E. No cookies or tracking.