We help you staying up-to-date with the latest ML news, relevant publications in academia, and ML-frameworks updates, in a personalized feed. Without the noise of everything else.
Stay up-to-date with the latest ML news in a personalized feed.
Reduce cognitive load without the worry of missing out.
Schedule delivery of information straight to your inbox.
ML teams operate on the edge of innovation, facing a constant stream of potentially useful information. We provide personalized assistance by curating and pre-processing news for your area of interest. We are starting with a personalized news feed while working on a framework for a streamlined research discovery workflow.
We embed the knowledge of your ML domain and make it accessible and actionable.
We follow your progress so we can build a semantic memory for your research.
Share findings with your team and work with partners and the community.
We are currently running a closed beta and have a waitlist.
Learn moreIt's very early days for our project and we currently run a small closed beta to test and improve on the functionality we have built so far. You can Sign Up below to join the newsletter subscription and waitlist. We will send out updates and invitations to the public beta once available.
Sebastián Castaño and Paul Weber, both based in Berlin.
Learn moreWe are ML researcher and ML manager, respectively. We came up with the idea based on our own experiences and iterate on the concept while talking to other ML experts. This is our personal project - not a company, yet.
Please use the Sign Up button below and wait for our community launch.
Learn moreWe are considering to have a community platform and want to open public beta testing soon. If you are impatient, you can email to contact@peakml.com and one of us will get back to you.
Paul Weber & Sebastián Castaño
Made in Berlin, 2022
Built with Bootstrap 5.2.2 (MIT license). Images generated with Dall-E. No cookies or tracking.